Fort Worth Texas Gastroenterology


What is Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a trained specialist uses a long, flexible, narrow tube with a light and tiny camera on one end, called a colonoscope or scope, to look inside your rectum and colon. Colonoscopy can show irritated and swollen tissue, ulcers, polyps, and cancer.

Types of Colonoscopies

Screening Colonoscopy (you must meet the following criteria)

  1. Patient must not have any gastrointestinal complaints
  2. Patient’s screening colonoscopy was at least 10 years ago, or flexible Sigmoidoscopy was at least five years ago
  3. Patient must be at least 50 years of age or have family history of colorectal cancer in a first-degree relative. If patient has a family history of colorectal cancer, his/her first colonoscopy should occur either at age 40 or 10 years younger than the diagnosed individual, whichever comes first. (Please check with your insurance company as some do not consider family history under the screening benefits).

Surveillance Colonoscopy

Surveillance colonoscopies are done after the initial colonoscopy due to a previous finding. They are often done on a more frequent basis as determined by the previous diagnosis. Most insurance companies pay this under the “diagnostic or medical benefits”.

Some Examples are:

  • Colon Cancer
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Colon Polyps
  • Family History of Colon Polyps
  • Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis
  • Family History of Colon Cancer
  • Colitis

Diagnostic Colonoscopy

A diagnostic colonoscopy is performed for analysis or detection of disease or other medical conditions. (Patients that are currently having problems).

Some Examples are:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Anemia
  • Change in Bowel habits
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Rectal bleeding/Blood in Stool
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Unexplained Weight Loss

Therapeutic Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is considered therapeutic if you have already been diagnosed with a problem and a specific procedure will be done. Insurance pays this as a “diagnostic or medical colonoscopy.”


  • Patient had a recent barium enema x-ray which showed the presence of polyps. A colonoscopy with polypectomy is to be done.
  • Patient has an abnormal finding on x-ray or CT scan. A colonoscopy with biopsy is to be done.


Our doctors offer the option of direct access colonoscopy (no office visit or pre-op exam required) for relatively healthy individuals with no current gastrointestinal symptoms, cardiac issues or breathing difficulties.  To see if  you qualify for this option, Learn more about Direct Access Colonoscopy.

Visit the National Cancer Institute to learn more about colon and rectal cancer.

Colonoscopy Preparations

Miralax Day Before Prep

Miralax Split Prep

Golytely Day Before Prep

Golytely Split Prep

Suprep Day Before Prep

Suprep Split Prep

Dr. Kevin Ho's Colonoscopy Preparations

Golytely Splt Prep

Suprep Split Prep

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